NY Rent Own Sell LLC may or may not be the exclusive listing agent of the properties being displayed on NYrentownsell.com. All data displayed on Nyrentownsell.com is presented for informational purposes only and should be independently confirmed by all customers. All Information is compiled from both public and private sources including, but not limited to the RLS, MLS and ACRIS; each of which is assumed to be reliable. All information displayed is subject to errors and omissions regarding apartment specifications and final sale prices, and further, any unit listed may have had its listing withdrawn without notice subsequent to such information being compiled. No representation is made as to the accuracy of any description (ie: listing, close sale data, and/or building description) of any building or individual unit. All measurements and square footage are approximate and all information herein should be confirmed by customer and/or their attorney. NY Rent Own LLC, its members, affiliates, and contributors adhere to New Your City, New York State, and United States Fair Housing Laws.