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Juliette Balcony in NYC – Complete Guide

By: ROS Team

Developers in highly populated cities like New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco utilize space in every possible way. In places where space comes at a premium, every square foot matters. Because of that, developers stretch their imaginations and use indoor and outdoor spaces. This need to maximize space has led developers to create Juliette balconies.

1- What is a Juliette Balcony
2- Where Juliette Balcony Name Come From
3- Benefits of Juliette Balconies
4- Why Choose Juliette Balcony
5- Juliet Balcony Worth It

What is a Juliette Balcony?

A Juliette Style Balcony is a banister-type structure that’s placed in front of French doors or full-length windows to prevent people from falling from these structures. Juliette balconies were created for safety purposes, but developers found a way to utilize the balcony so that it was beautiful while serving its purpose.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the Juliette balcony as:

A structure like a very narrow balcony with vertical metal bars fitted to the outside of a building in front of a full-length upstairs window in two parts that can be opened like doors.

Juliette balconies are also known as “balconettes” and “false balconies” since they are not actual balconies.

what is a juliet balcony

Where Did the Name “Juliette Balcony” Come From?

The term “Juliette Balcony” comes from a scene in Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. In the scene, the character Juliet is standing next to a structure similar to a Juliette Balcony and pondering, “Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?” So, in a sense, we owe a bit of gratitude to Shakespeare for giving us the Juliette balcony idea in the first place.

Does Everyone Like Juliette Balconies?

Not everyone is a fan of Juliette Style Balconies because they aren’t true balconies according to architectural standards. People also argue that Juliette balconies just further inflate apartment rent prices.

There is an element of truth in both objections, but there is more to it than what meets the eye. Juliette balconies are functional features of apartment structures. For example, these balcony types commonly feature full-length windows, which allow air and light to freely pass throughout the apartment.

juliet balconies

Benefits of Juliette Balconies

There are more benefits to having a Juliette balcony than just allowing in the fresh air and natural light. They also enhance apartments by:

1) Adding to the External Aesthetic

Juliette-style balconies add to a building’s aesthetic aspect by complementing the building’s façade. You’ll often see Juliette balconies on buildings built in the early 20th century. But there are some newer buildings that are including Juliette balconies to enhance the building’s outer appearance.

2) Adding Extra Space

Juliette balconies usually don’t create much space, but you may still be able to place a small table and chair at its entrance to take in the air outside. Sure, it’s not as much space as a more traditional balcony may offer, but in large cities, any amount of extra space is valuable.

3) Adding Safety

The core feature and benefit of having a Juliette Style Balcony is that it serves as a safeguard to prevent someone from falling from French doors or a set of full-length windows. Installing a Juliette balcony is almost a necessity if you intend to install either of those features.

4) Adding Affordable Luxury

Juliette balconies have helped make having any type of balcony a more affordable luxury.  Adding a Juliette balcony means having some of the benefits of a traditional balcony without the increase in price.

If you own a home or multi family apartment building and want to substantially boost your property’s value, consider adding Juliette balconies.

Why Choose a Juliette Balcony Instead of a Full Balcony?

There are some valid reasons why building owners should opt for a Juliette balcony instead of a full balcony. The first reason is that New York City developers must first have air rights before they can have a full balcony. This makes having a Juliette balcony a more practical option since such rights are not required before installing them.

A second reason is related to prospective profit. The value of an apartment building with full balconies is often higher than the rent range tenants or buyers could afford to recoup the cost of having them. Juliette balconies become the next best option to having a traditional balcony in that they increase property value without immensely impacting the cost to the buyer or tenant.

juliet window

Is a Juliet Balcony Worth It?

This is the million dollar question, and probably the reason why you are reading this blog. The answer to that question is a resounding YES!

If a Juliette Balcony is spacious enough to accommodate some furniture like a table and chair or can enhance the amount of air and light in your space, the benefits are definitely worth the costs. Of course, it is entirely up to you whether you consider a Juliette Style balcony worth any extra money you will pay. Especially if it’s only serving as a decorative feature and not usable space.

So, before deciding on an apartment or home that has a Juliette Balcony, consider touring the space and determine whether the balcony creates any obvious advantages.