Step By Step Guide For Conducting Tenant Background Checks
By: ROS Team
Landlords want good tenants – ones who pay their rent on time and don’t damage property. To help ensure they have the best possible tenant, landlords should conduct a thorough applicant screening of potential tenants before they sign a lease agreement.
There are two options when it comes to running tenant background checks: hire a third-party background check company or conduct the screening yourself. But do you know how to do a background check on a tenant? Here are some tips for vetting your new tenant.
Background Checks:
Tenant Background checks are a high priority task when screening potential tenants. There are different kinds of background checks:
- Previous Landlord References
- Eviction History
- Employment History
- Credit Reports
- Proof of Income
- Criminal Records
To Screen Potential Tenants using information from any or all of these Reports, Follow the Following Steps:
Step 1: Review the Tenant’s Application
Effective tenant background checks start with data collection. You’ll need the tenant’s information to begin the process, most of which will be included in the rental application. You can download a standard rental application template from the internet or you can draft one yourself.
For the most effective screening, be sure to request the applicant’s full name and date of birth, employment information including information about monthly income, and names of their references.
Additional Application Questions to Consider:
- Ask about the applicant’s current and previous employers including how long the tenant has been at their current job;
- Request the applicant’s monthly gross earnings to determine whether they make at least three times the monthly rent;
- Request the names and contact information of current and past landlords along with the number of years at each location. Also, request their monthly rent amounts and a brief explanation about why they moved;
- Ask if they have a pet or plan to get one; request the pet’s information if they have a pet; and
- Request the total number of occupants.
Review the application for completeness and make sure all essential information is provided.
Read Also: Best Ways to Find Property Ownership Records
Step 2: Complete All Background Checks
Credit Checks
In some states, landlords can charge the tenant for a credit check, so check the laws in your state to see if you’re allowed to do so. Use any of the credit reporting companies to check the applicant’s credit history. This will give you insight into an applicant’s financial health. It will also help you identify whether there should be any cause for concern in renting to him or her, such as a history of late payments, bankruptcy, or substantial loans.
If you find something during the tenant background check that gives you pause, inform the applicant in writing of the reason you’re denying their application. If you used a third-party company to complete the screening process, including the name of the company in the letter as well.
Background Check
You will need to run a detailed tenant background check on applicants to get as much information about the tenant’s past as possible. You can hire companies to run information pertaining to the prospective tenant’s criminal history, credit history, or eviction history. You can also request that the company review other public records for the applicant’s information.
Make sure you hire an approved consumer reporting service. You can get a list of approved agencies from the Finance Protection Bureau for a small fee.
It’s a good idea to contact the applicant’s employer to confirm the tenant’s employment status and their stated income. Also, reach out to the tenant’s previous landlord and ask questions like:
- Did the tenant pay rent on time?
- Does the tenant owe you any money?
- Did the tenant intentionally damage the property in any way?
- Did you ever receive complaints about the tenant?
- Would you consider renting to the tenant again?
Personal references are also important, although most of them will probably be biased. You can still get a good sense of the applicant’s character by obtaining feedback from those who know them best.
Some General Tips:
- It is illegal to check someone’s background without first notifying them, so get the applicant’s written consent beforehand. You can easily do this by including a section in your rental application that asks for their consent for a background check.
- Plan ahead on how you will use the tenant’s background check information to make your rental decision. For example, decide if you will reject sex offenders and felons or people who’ve been evicted in the past. Make sure your selection criteria is not based on anyone’s gender, age, national origin, race, color, or disability.
FAQs: Tenant Background Checks
How can I legally make the Screening Process More Effective?
When it comes to tenant background checks, the best course of action is to have prospective tenants fill out an application that requests the prospective tenant’s name, address, phone number, and social security number. If they have a felony conviction or eviction history, ensure the application provides a place to enter this information. They should also provide their driver’s license number and employment history.
Follow up with the applicant’s list of previous landlords and any other references to see if there have been any problems with the tenant in the past. Cross-check the applicant’s financial information from his or her credit reports with the information they’ve provided on the application.
Can I Reject a Prospective Tenant Based on his Credit Report?
A credit report is an important tool in the tenant screening process. In NYC, landlords are legally allowed to reject potential tenants based on their credit reports.
Am I Required to Present the Applicant with a Written Agreement of Any Kind?
You’re under no obligation to provide a written agreement, but be aware that relying solely on oral agreements could lead to problems legally. Unless there is a compelling reason not to, require potential tenants to complete rental applications. You can use the information provided as a tool to support whether you accept or reject the application. In addition, if you find that any information in the written application is false, you can take legal action.
What are Some illegal Reasons for Rejecting a Prospective Tenant?
The Fair Housing Act prohibits landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants based on their race or ethnicity, national origin, disability status, sex, or because they have children. Laws also prohibit discrimination based on marital status, sexual orientation, and age.
Having terms, conditions, and processes documented in writing will also make it easier to defend your decision should the applicant challenge it. It is unlikely that a judge will overturn your decision if you can provide a reasonable and non-discriminatory basis for selecting one tenant over another.
What are other Fair Reasons for Rejecting a Prospective Tenant?
Only reasonable and business-related reasons should be considered when screening potential tenants. As long as you have a legitimate business reason for selecting one equally-qualified tenant over another and that reason is documented in writing, you don’t have to worry.
What areas do most Landlords Check when Completing Background Checks?
Most landlords will check the following during the applicant screening process:
- Criminal History: Most landlords will review applicants’ criminal records to ascertain whether he or she has been involved in any circumstances that would pose a significant risk to other tenants, the building, and the community. A history of sexual and drug offenses, arson, stealing, and property destruction are all red flags.
- Credit History: Some landlords prioritize higher credit scores when screening applicants. Others examine a candidate’s credit history in detail to identify any potential reasons for a poor credit score. In any event, credit is unquestionably a key consideration in most tenant background checks.
- Employment History: While some landlords only look for current job and income documentation, others evaluate applicants’ employment histories. The landlord may choose to contact the applicant’s employer to verify employment and salary, or they can request a copy of the tenant’s most recent paystub or tax return.
- Identity and address History: Verifying a candidate’s social security number is a typical practice for landlords when it comes to screening applicants. These checks confirm identity and address history information.
- Rental History and Evictions: The housing application can request rental history, including where they lived and who their landlords or property managers were. This information is crucial for the tenant background reference check.
How can I get a Background Check for an Apartment?
There are many methods to get a background check for an apartment. The most common way is through websites and databases that can help you find crime stats and tenant reviews.
You can also use the more traditional way of asking current or former tenants about the apartment and the surrounding neighborhood.
How long does it take to Apply to Rent a House?
It can take up to three days to hear back about your rental application once you’ve applied to rent a house. Property owners might take less time if they are pulling your credit report and evaluating it and your application themselves.
The process could take longer if you’re renting through a broker or real estate agency since they have to pass the application materials along to third parties who will review them and possibly reach out to references.
Check the laws in your state about rental applications. In some states, applications are deemed rejected if the applicant hasn’t heard anything after seven days.
What documents does a Landlord Typically Request from a Tenant?
A landlord can demand only the following documents from the tenant:
- Pay Stubs
- W-2 Tax Forms
- W-4 Forms
- Bank Statements
- Court Ordered Settlement Records
- Employment Contracts
A landlord has no right to demand documents other than the above.
How do I Run a Background Check?
Before you do anything, inform the applicant that you’ll be conducting a background check. Then:
- Review state laws around background checks, including whether drug tests are permitted;
- Contact listed references; and
- Use a background check site to review records.
Final Thoughts:
For peace of mind, landlords should make sure that their property is occupied by good tenants. Houses for rent no background check are vulnerable. This is why tenant background checks are necessary. Rely on legally defendable screening criteria and screening tools to make the best decision.