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Practical Tips for Writing an Offer Letter For a House

By: ROS Team

Doing things right increases your chances of success. Be it the technique of baseball, basic grammar, or writing home purchase offer letters, you need to get it right to make things happen for you. The offer letter for a house represents your case, so you’ll want to make sure it’s well written.

You need to include how you plan to finance your purchase, your plan for closing the deal, and why are you interested in buying the home in the first place.

Practical tips for writing

Here are Some of the Most Practical Tips that you should consider Before Sending a Real Estate Offer Letter.

1- Start With The Seller’s Name

The idea of writing an offer letter for a house is to connect with the owner on a personal level. Nothing hurts your interest more than beginning the letter with “Dear Seller” instead of addressing the seller by name.

There are chances that other buyers will be making the same mistake. But if you use the seller’s name, it would certainly give you an edge over the competition. If you cannot find the name in the listing, ask your agent about it.

2- Tell The Owner What You Liked Most About The Home

The home is a mirror image of one’s personality and when you talk about the appealing features of the home, you indirectly compliment the owner. Besides, owners like to know what motivated them to buy the home.

A few nice words can open new doors for you, so do not hesitate to put in words how impressed you are with how well the seller has kept the property. Add in specific things that caught your attention and what you found particularly appealing with their house that you hadn’t seen in others. A kind gesture like this goes a long way.

Tell the owner

3- Introduce Yourself

Once you have set the tone of the letter by extending compliments, it is about time that you introduce yourself. You want to distinguish yourself from other potential buyers, so include some facts about yourself. You may talk about your background, your current residence or anything nice which gives the seller insight into how you would take care of the property.

You should not discuss any changes you are envisioning in the property at this stage of the deal. Some owners may be rather emotional about the property and suggesting changes at this stage might be hard for them to accept.

4- Attach Your Pictures

If you are having a hard time winning over the seller’s heart, try this trick: consider attaching your picture and, if you’re comfortable, pictures of your family and pet also. It would help the seller imagine you in the property to get a better sense of the future.

5- Talk About Common Things You Share With The Seller

When writing a real estate offer letter, your primary goal should be to cultivate a relationship with the seller. One way to achieve that goal is to figure out what you have in common with the seller.

If you find out that the seller is an avid art collector, incorporate any knowledge you have about writing in your offer letter.
Let it look natural and refrain from crossing boundaries.

Talk about common

6- Explain Your Bid

Now that you’re done with the emotional part, it is time to talk numbers. Even if you are making a lower offer, be respectful and honest. You should not give the impression that you are making excuses for making a lower bid.

Rather, use the opportunity to provide context to your suggested price. Let the seller know your budget bracket and your intentions not to overstep it.

7- Keep It Precise

In a highly competitive market, the seller is likely to receive several offers. The seller would be ready to go into unnecessary details while going through the house offer letters. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to not beat around the bush and not allow boredom to sink in. Be very precise with what you write in your offer letter.

Keep it precise

8- Go The Extra Mile

A small gesture goes a long way and, in a highly competitive market, sending a bouquet or a box of cookies to the seller would be good enough. It would reflect how interested you are in the property and that you have an authentic love for the property.
However, keep it very simple and tasteful so it does not make the seller uncomfortable.

9- Conclude The Letter Appropriately

Conclude your letter showing genuine interest in buying the property. Categorically mention that you are in a sound position to buy the property.

This is your last chance to leave a lasting impression. A few nice words should do the job. Don’t forget to thank them for taking the time to read your offer letter and mention that you will be looking forward to hearing back.


The gist of writing a personalized offer letter is to give the impression that you are a serious contender for the property and can afford it as well. One of the best things you can do before writing a real estate offer letter is to consult with your financial advisor.

Having said all that, bear in mind that a house offer letter provides no guarantee that the owner will accept your offer. However, a well-written home purchase offer letter enhances your chances.