My Condo Application Was Denied: What Now?
By: ROS Team
Renting for a few years now, or possibly even a few decades, is a possibility. Although it could be, it’s not your first rodeo. You are confident about your acceptance when applying for a new condo unit. After a lengthy search, you’ve discovered the perfect place. It’s located in a terrific location, has state-of-the-art amenities, and is also equipped with on-site parking. Naturally, you immediately apply, thinking that you will get it straight away.
Not until you received a denial letter. This news can only be considered a little shock, especially if you put your heart into this specific item. However, to understand the objective cause for your denial, it is better to analyze this issue from the view of the landlord or the rental office.
Take a look at some of the most common—and unexpected—reasons your rental application may be declined to help you remain hopeful and in the know.
Be Honest About Your History
The screening procedure starts when you send a rental application. This can be highly detailed, frequently comprising an inspection of criminal records, credit check, evidence for sufficient income and jobs, and your entire tenant’s past. You may very well have identified the reason why your most recent application was rejected if you were legally in hot water, had a bad credit history, had been expelled, or lied to the application – even a minor bit, like your specific income level.
High Debt Levels
The greater the tenant’s debt, the more difficult it will be to meet all responsibilities while also making rent payments. This is especially true if it appears that a large portion of the debt was acquired recently or is increasing. Make careful to follow the “three times” and “forty percent” guidelines.
Legal Protection
Naturally, landlords generally have to comply with the Fair Credit Reports Act and the Fair Housing Act. Anti-discrimination legislation could potentially be in place to protect you as a renter in your state or region.
However, if you do not exist where you live, for virtually any reason. But arbitrarily, a rental application can be rejected. Very often, numerous individuals, including you, have applied but have not cut the piece. You were probably one of the multiple people whose application was ultimately accepted who were not considered to be eligible tenants. This is an unbelievably typical event you should not miss at all.
Still, Wondering Why You Were Denied?
However, you might want to know what caused you to be dismissed mainly. You understand that the landlord does not have to tell why your application was refused unless it relates to your credit record. You should view your letter together with your contact details by the credit reporting organization who produced the report.
Usually do not receive a free copy of a credit report from that agency 60 days after your application has been refused. You can assess if any errors were made, or you can see what could have been seen as a red management signal by acquiring the copy and looking over it. If you notice any errors, take quick measures to fix them and then forward your credit information back to the administration.
Another source of information used to measure whether you are an accurate renter can be former landlords. If you contacted any third party for a previous lease, what they say could have contributed to any choice. Nobody has yet to say anything, so try to resist the temptation to obsess who might have spoken flatteringly about you or your renting history to the potential landlord. It’s not beneficial to you, and presumably, your chances to be reassessed will not improve.
Seek Out a Lease Guarantor
It is also entirely feasible that your revenue for this particular unit was simply not enough. Some landlords provide a minimum level of income to be met for a lease agreement to be concluded. If you’re up against something, not everything is lost.
After all, you can consistently offer to make anyone you know (perhaps a parent or another close family member) a guarantor. This indicates that the person agrees to pay for the rent if you are unable to rent. The guarantee is, of course, strictly necessary by law for the express approval and signing of your potential guarantee or, even before you apply to apartments, just in case.
Cleaning Up a Spotty Past
You may be eligible for a record expansion if you suspect that a prior offense or misdemeanor affects your ability to get housing. Call and discuss the choices you can give to a lawyer. Mainly if the convictions occurred years ago or if you were a young person at the time. You can clear a criminal record effectively.
First Payment First
The first payments from a renter should be well before the tenant moves in. The first month of rent should always be taken simultaneously or in a few days from the signature of the rental. And the rental must be signed long before the date of movement.
A security deposit equivalent to the first month of rental is usual for up-front payments. This shows first that the tenant is severe and that money is involved. Most importantly, the tenant saved money on rents and deposits for the first month and can thus afford the rental.
Consider These Tips While Applying For A Condo Loan:
Get a Head Start:
Purchasers should ask lenders for a list of the criteria that the building must meet; real estate agents may then supply those responses when potential buyers are looking for properties.
The Building’s Style:
Some condominium structures are more likely to be denied funding. According to Jonathan Cherry, a senior mortgage banker with Wyndham Capital Mortgage in Charlotte, N.C, buyers who wish to avoid financing issues should stick to mid-to larger-size properties that are primarily owner-occupied.
Large Down Payments:
When purchasing a top house with a private mortgage, borrowers are often required to make a 20% to 30% down payment. If it is a second house, they may need to put down at least 40%. Because a mortgage may be tough to obtain, cash is one of the only possibilities for investment.
Rising Costs:
With adjustable-rate mortgages, interest rates may be low now but climb in a few years, causing the monthly mortgage payment to increase. Borrowers may still face escalating condo fees if the building’s other owners fall on hard times.
Although you may feel blind right now, you may never know precisely why you were denied your application. If you want to know more, you don’t have to contact the landlord, but you can’t say anything to them.
They do not owe an explanation to you, neither should you expect an answer. Your best bet is to do everything that you can to deal with any of the above difficulties. This will boost your chances of receiving approval for future applications and make you look much more appealing as a prospective renter.
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