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Moving Across Town? Here Is the Checklist You Don’t Want to Miss

By: ROS Team

Moving across town can be a different situation compared to moving across the country. While you may think you don’t need to hire a moving company, some companies specialize in interstate moving. Short moves require just as much planning as long-distance moves, so ensure you have the following squared away before the day comes.

8 Weeks Before the Big Move

  • Search for a new home and make an offer as soon as possible.
  • Put your home on the market or if you’re renting, let your landlord know.
  • Inventory all your things with pictures.
  • Research moving companies.
  • Request an estimate from the moving company.
  • Create a budget for what you need and what you want.
  • Research the local schools if you have kids.


7 Weeks to Go

  • Read all documents before signing with a moving company.
  • Confirm the moving company is certified and insured.
  • Request any necessary time off from work for moving day.
  • Prepare for a yard sale or garage sale to happen in about two weeks.
  • Consider how you’ll move big or fragile things like pianos or pool tables.
  • Get a storage unit if you need to store some of your belongings.


6 Weeks Left and Counting

  • Ask friends for help if you’re making the move yourself.
  • For a DIY move, reserve a truck well ahead of time.
  • If you’re hiring professionals, decide on the moving company you want to use.
  • Order and pick up any necessary moving supplies like boxes and bubble wrap.
  • If you have kids, let the schools know you’re moving.
  • Take pictures of every wired electronic going with you so that you can reassemble later.
  • Begin dismantling unneeded furniture and bag all of the hardware together.
  • Take inventory of any minor repairs that you need to make in your current home.


5 Weeks – Time Is Moving Fast

  • Pack a little bit every day.
  • Fix any minor repairs that you noticed the week before.
  • Consider color-coding and labeling all of your boxes to find them easier at the end.
  • Donate unneeded items and keep track of all tax deduction receipts.
  • Create a packing timeline for what you have left to pack.
  • Sell items on social media platforms or other online apps.
  • Host a garage sale or yard sale.
  • Search for all personal records like birth certificates, passports, and medical.

Time Is Moving Fast

4 Weeks and Your Head Is Spinning

  • Confirm your moving company reservation date and time.
  • Alert your utility companies that you’re moving in a month.
  • Declutter even more and decide what else needs to go.
  • Toss whatever can’t be donated or used before moving and put out a little each week.
  • Pack one room at a time, thinking about what you’ll need your first few nights.
  • Update your picture inventory.


3 Weeks and You Know It Is Coming

  • Update your new address on all of your accounts and subscriptions.
  • Update your new address with insurance companies.
  • Update your address with your employer, payroll, and government offices like the IRS.
  • Go online and pick a date to start having your mail forwarded.
  • Hire a babysitter or ask a friend to help watch your kids as packing goes into high gear.


2 Weeks – It’s So Close

  • Confirm dates and times with your moving company again to make sure nothing changed.
  • Confirm your dates with your employer.
  • Gather all important documents.
  • Take everything you don’t need to a storage unit to make room to clean out your current house.


One Week Left Until Moving Day

  • Clean your current house.
  • Complete errands like picking up your moving truck the day before moving day.
  • Pack most essentials and create an essentials box.
  • Keep an eye on the weather, so you’re prepared.
  • If you’re renting, plan for a final walkthrough with the current landlord.


Moving Day Has Arrived

  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before.
  • Take your essentials box with you.
  • Hand over the keys to your realtor.
  • Start getting comfy in your new home.

Checklist Makes Moving Easier

Following a Checklist Makes Moving Easier

Moving can be super stressful because there are so many moving parts that make up the whole process. By having an easy-to-follow checklist, you’ll be more likely not to miss anything. Use this checklist as a jumping-off point and add things that may not be on here for the best possible experience, even if you’re just moving across town.

Related Article:

Tips for an Efficient Moving Experience
Cost of Moving a House: Is it Worth it?
Most Common Moving Scams And How To Avoid Them
