How to Write Notice to Vacate Letter to Landlord
By: ROS Team
Moving in and out can both be arduous tasks. Sometimes personal reasons push you to make a move and other times you’re motivated by bad living conditions. In either scenario, you can’t simply pack up and walk away.
There is a proper process that needs to be followed, and the first usually involves notifying the landlord that you’re leaving. You may call it the beginning of the end.
Let’s take a look at ways to do this.
What is a Notice to Vacate?
This is a formal written notice informing the landlord that you intend to leave the property. When do you notify the landlord is a debatable question.
Generally, there are two practices when sending a notice to vacate property:
- A 30-day notice: this is the most common type of notice; it’s generally provided 30 days before leaving the property;
- A 60-day notice: not as common; it’s generally provided 60 days before leaving the property.
The best advice is to follow the timeframe written in the lease about it. What you agreed to during the signing of the lease must be followed until it officially expires at the end of the lease term.
Why are Notices Important?
Finding a new tenant is both exhaustive and expensive. Therefore, the landlord needs to know as early as possible if you don’t intend to renew your lease so he or she can start the process of finding a new tenant.
Your move may bring a financial setback to the landlord, especially if there’s no immediate demand for your apartment. Landlords depend on rent funds to pay their bills. So, out of courtesy, it would be great to notify the landlord so he or she can manage expenses accordingly and meanwhile find a new tenant.
Writing a Notice to Vacate
Your notice letter should include the following:
1. Date
This is the most important piece of information that goes in the notification letter. In order to be in compliance with the lease terms, ensure the date is within the timeframe specified in the lease, whether it’s 30 days, 60 days, or something else.
2. Landlord’s Address
Verify that you have the landlord’s current mailing address and include it on the notice. You can often find it on your lease or on other move-in documentation.
3. Mention Moving Date
You have to mention the date you plan to leave the property, which may or may not correspond to the day your lease expires.
4. Your Current Address
Don’t take for granted that the landlord knows which unit you occupy and neglect to include your current address and apartment number. Landlords often have multiple apartments and it might become confusing for them otherwise.
Here’s a template for drafting your own notice to vacate. Don’t forget to personalize it with your personal information:
- (Your Name)
- (Current Address of Your Apartment, unit ###)
- (City, State, ZIP Code)
- (Date)
- (Landlord Or Apartment Company’s Name)
- (Address as Printed on Your Lease)
- (City, State, ZIP Code)
- Re: Notice of Intent to Vacate
- Dear (Name of landlord or manager),
Please accept this letter as notice that I plan to move out when my lease expires on (date). I’m providing this notice in accordance with notification terms outlined in my lease agreement dated (date).
I will be leaving because (mention your reason for not renewing–including this is optional but good to include). I would like to schedule the final inspection of the apartment on (date).
Please let me know when I can expect the refund of my security deposit and if any portion of the deposit will be reduced due to apartment repairs.
Please direct any future correspondence to: (new address).
- Sincerely,
- (Your Name & Signature)
Some Additional Tips
- Thoroughly read your lease and follow the terms laid out in the lease pertaining to moving out.
- Identify when you need to notify the landlord that you are moving as well as the preferred notification method.
- Keep a copy of the notice you send.
- Be straightforward and polite.
- The notice is not a place to give feedback about your experience living in the apartment (good or bad), so avoid it.
- Include your forwarding address.
- Explicitly state the date on which your lease requires notice.
When should I Send a Notice to Vacate Letter?
It is generally recommended to send a notice to vacate letter at least 30 days before the intended move-out date, but check your lease agreement as some agreements may require a longer notice period.
Do I Need to Provide a Reason for Moving Out in a Notice to Vacate Letter?
No, you do not need to provide a reason for moving out in a notice to vacate letter. It is sufficient to state the date you intend to move out.
Can I Deliver a Notice to Vacate Letter by Email or Text Message?
It depends on the lease agreement and the landlord’s preferences. Some landlords may require a written notice delivered by certified mail or in person, while others may accept a notice delivered by email or text message.
Can I Move Out before the End of my Lease term if I Provide a Notice to Vacate Letter?
It depends on the lease agreement and the landlord’s policies. Some landlords may allow tenants to break their lease early if they provide a notice to vacate letter, while others may require the tenant to pay a penalty or fulfill the full lease term.
Should I Keep a Copy of the Notice to Vacate Letter for my Records?
Yes, it is always a good idea to keep a copy of the notice to vacate letter for your records in case there are any disputes or issues with the landlord.
It’s always best to send the notice to vacate in accordance with the terms outlined in the lease. It helps avoid confusion in the end.
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