How to Move Cross Country Efficiently?
By: Abdullah Haroon
Life is uncertain and so are our choices. We plan our whole lives moment by moment and yet one small incident has the potential to usurp it up and down. At other moments, it could be better opportunities that force us to step out of our comfort zone and confront the unknown.
Whatever the case is, we are subject to move most of the time within the city and sometimes cross country. What you feel about it depends upon the event which made you move. However, moving is not a comfortable task to execute especially if you have to move out of the city or maybe out of state.
To make your process as smooth as it could be, we have discussed different aspects of it. Let us go through them, patiently.
If you have ever experienced it or it is your first time, the truth is it consumes both energy and money. The fortunate facility is you can balance the equation either by adding a little energy or by allocating more budget.
Movers companies offer each type of facility depending on your requirements and allocated amount. You may get from cheap to state of the art facilities.
Read Also: Tips to Simplify your Moving Experience
Sell it:
The first action you need to take before scheduling your moving day is to do a thorough inspection of your belongings. We send a lot of stuff in the basement or store knowing that we might never need them in life. Now is the time to take a final decision. You will get two ways of benefit by doing it.
- First, the lesser the belongings to move, the lower budget will be required. If you are carrying more boxes, you will have to pay more to the movers.
- Second, by selling some old stuff, you can make some money which is required more than any other time in life. So this is your time to do the undone.
You can explore both physical wells as online platforms. There are even dedicated online sites that deal in one or two categories only e.g. clothing or furniture.
Seek the Help of your Family and Friends:
Moving even in the city consumes a lot of energy and budget let alone in another city. If you have a good circle of friends and your family happened to be in the city then you must take help from them. Invite them over lunch and ask them to lend you a helping hand in boxing.
You may also make a list of those items you are going to sell along with the mentioned prices and send it to your circle, both friends and families. Chances are they will buy it.
Rent a Truck:
Though you may find any kind of movers in the city in case you are moving cross country, it will cost you too expensive. To cut costs, you may rent a moving truck instead of outsourcing all of your operations. By doing so, you may save a big amount.
Ship your Belongings:
If you have to move cross country, the most convenient way is to ship your stuff is shipment. However, it is only effective if you are not moving with a lot of personal belongings. You can find plenty of shipment companies even online and do not have to even leave a home for shipping.
Hire a Freight Trailer:
When moving a long way, the cost becomes the most disturbing factor. Given the cost factor, freight trailers provide a better alternative. It works like renting a freight trailer. The company will place a freight trailer outside your home and give you time to fill it with your belongings.
Once you are done with loading, give them a signal and they will pick up and drop the trailer at your new destination. There are several companies which are offering these services and you can easily contact them.
It is a way more economical way to shift your belongings than hiring a moving company.
Schedule a Moving Date:
Moving, that too cross country, is a very exhaustible activity. It is not something you can execute on the weekdays with your work. You got to dedicate time to execute this plan and for that, you need to manage ample time first, so it is better to pre-plan your schedule with exact details keep the distance and volume of stuff in mind so you do not have to worry during the execution.
Outsource Some Work:
No matter how efficient you are, the truth is you cannot perform all duties by yourself. So the better option is to already consider outsourcing some of the stuff and add the required cost to the budget you aim to allocate it.
For this purpose, you can hire local labor or can give the task to any company.
Final Verdict:
Moving within a city is equally troublesome let alone cross country. You have to double your effort when planning to move cross country. The idea is to do the hard work before moving and make your journey simple.
If you act upon the above-mentioned advice, you are likely to make your cross country move smooth and incredible.
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