Annoying Neighbors and How to Get Rid of Bad Renters – Complete Guide
By: ROS Team
If you live on a street where homes are relatively close together, you probably know that inconsiderate neighbors come in all kinds and forms. Some make sleeping difficult at night while others cannot control their pets. Still, others can’t walk the neighborhood without being intoxicated and frightening nearby kids.
Bad neighbors regularly grate on the nerves of nearly everyone around them by doing things that are not illegal but are highly bothersome. For some, bad neighbors are to blame for being uncomfortable in their own homes.
What Should be done about Bad Neighbors?
Your behaviors shouldn’t always depend on what your neighbor is doing. Sometimes you’re forced to accept situations and learn how to tolerate them in order to keep the peace.
In other words, it is essential to maintain things reasonably. Getting into it with stupid neighbors might weigh heavily on your nerves, which creates tension among neighbors. That’s why it’s always a good idea to address neighborly irritation with courtesy and only escalate things incrementally if you don’t see improvement.
How To Deal With Noisy Neighbors
There are ways to better manage the situations in which we find ourselves, at least as they relate to our Neighbors.
Try Not To Overreact:
Living in an apartment means you will be subject to more shared noise than you would if you lived in a single-family home. So make some allowance for neighborly noise.
If necessary, establish “quiet time” with your neighbors so that you or they can get rest. If the noise level is unreasonable or happens late at night, it may be necessary to engage the landlord or law enforcement.
Community Clauses:
Generally, community guidelines are at play in apartment buildings. Most guidelines include a “quiet enjoyment” clause, which basically states that everyone is entitled to live in a comfortable environment, and one person’s fun shouldn’t cause trouble for the other. The clause usually provides specified “quiet hours” during which all residents must keep the sound low.
Noise Ordinance Laws:
These are local laws imposed by police that address the issue more seriously and set an exact schedule during which people must keep noise to a minimum (such as 10:00 pm – 7:00 am).
Document the Violation
The first step that needs to be taken is to document the violation. Any way you choose to do this is fine. The best, however, is to write down each incident along with the date and time. Once you have had enough evidence, it is time to talk with your neighbor.
Talk to Your Neighbor
Confronting people may be uncomfortable as you have no way of controlling the other person’s reaction. It’s important to remain calm and, if you’ve never formally met your neighbor, use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself and casually mention your working and sleep hours and the concerns you have with noise during those times.
Ask your Landlord to Intervene
Once you’ve had a meeting with your neighbors and there’s been no change, it’s time to ask your landlord to step in to help resolve the matter.
It is the landlord’s responsibility to make sure you and other tenants live in a comfortable environment, so looping him or her is appropriate. It may also be helpful to let your landlord know that about your previous meeting and give them a copy of your noise log.
Register a Complaint
If everything gets failed and you still feel miserable due to the noise then maybe it is time to inform the authorities and let them handle the mess. Call the helpline or write an email, whichever is more convenient for you.
Get a Top Floor Apartment
If your lease is about to end and you’d like to renew, consider asking the property manager if there are any top-floor apartments available. While you still are having neighbors on the sides, you wouldn’t have to have anyone disturbing you from above.
Soundproof your Apartment
Noise may not be completely eliminated but it can be reduced. Consider soundproofing your apartment to cut down on environmental noise. There are a number of products on the market that help you soundproof your apartment without breaking the bank.
What Sorts of Annoying Neighbors Exist?
Most annoying neighbors can be placed in three categories: slightly annoying; inconsiderate; and trashy. Let’s look at each category and explore possible plans of action for how to get rid of bad neighbors that rent.
1. Slightly Annoying Neighbors
Examples of slightly annoying neighbors include ill-mannered or mischievous children, neighbors who violate parking restrictions, and irresponsible pet owners who neglect to clean up after their four-legged pals, who use the community’s green space as their restroom.
How to Deal With Them
Introduce Yourself
Introduce yourself and share your concerns with your neighbors. Sometimes just making someone’s acquaintance makes confronting complicated issues much easier, especially when you’re neighbors.
Tell them How you Feel without Apologizing
One of the most common errors in neighbor relations comes across as accusatory when you’re just venting your frustration. Instead, try simply stating that you are disturbed and/or upset by some of their behaviors or actions. Do what you can to keep the dialogue cordial and polite. Appear open to understanding the reasons behind your neighbor’s bad behavior, and offer support in implementing a solution.
Mirror your Neighbor’s Behavior
A psychological trick that sometimes works is reflecting the behavior you’re experiencing from your neighbor towards them in an effort to help them recognize how their behavior impacts you. Unfortunately, this strategy can further sour the relationship with your neighbor, so you may want to think twice before doing this.
Consider Using Mediators
If you and your neighbor are struggling to find common ground, finding a mediator may be a good solution. Mediators can help solve situations so that both sides benefit. If you rent and are comfortable doing so, ask your landlord if they would be willing to help mediate in an effort to find a win-win for both parties.
Give your Neighbors a Written Warning
Sometimes the power of the pen is all you need to get the unwanted behaviors to cease. Writing a simple warning letter letting your neighbor know that you’ll be contacting authorities or the landlord is enough to stop your annoying neighbors from bothering you.
2. Inconsiderate Neighbors
Examples of inconsiderate neighbors include loud and rowdy party animals who are noisy 24/7 or the rock band that finds it necessary to practice in their garage studio at 2 a.m. on weekdays.
How to Deal With Them
Leverage the Homeowners Association
Homeowners associations (or HOAs), are an effective means for addressing neighborhood concerns. An association manager could talk to the neighbor at the heart of the discord and address the matter in a way that the reporter can remain anonymous.
Seek Neighbors Support
There’s strength in numbers, and more likely than not you’re not the only person in your neighborhood who is bothered by the unwanted activity. Check with other neighbors to see if anyone else is bothered and if they’d be willing to support you in confronting the troublesome neighbor. In some cases, you can leverage a large group to bring in local law enforcement to formally address the issue.
Call your Neighbor’s Landlord
Most individuals don’t like to complain or file reports on others, yet, sometimes, this is the only fruitful solution. If your neighbors have a different property manager or landlord than you, consider reaching out to the company or the landlord to raise your complaint about their tenant.
3. Difficult Neighbors
They’re the aforementioned neighbors, as well as anyone that complicates your life. Difficult neighbors might range from raucous parties to folks who allow their dog to waste itself in your yard. Rarely, a problematic neighbor will build a home designed to irritate you. These are called spite houses, and their owners are not friendly.
How to Deal With Them
Gather Information
Document any suspicious activities and alert local authorities to investigate further. Another alternative is to draft a petition to have the stupid neighbors removed. Present it to the landlord or HOA once you’ve collected all the signatures.
Consider Moving
In some circumstances, the best choice is to move to another neighborhood. This is especially true if you have tried different techniques to fix the problem, but nothing has helped.
Final Takeaways
In certain circumstances, the true terror next door can be neighbors. If this happens, seek out safe solutions for addressing the problem. And remember, to act as simple as introducing yourself and communicating your concerns may be enough to change the trajectory of your relationship with a troublesome neighbor. If that doesn’t work, consult with property management or, if necessary, law enforcement.