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Can You Afford Rent in NYC During Covid-19 Epidemic Now And After?

By: Abdullah Haroon

New York renters would have never thought that their rent would be due and let alone rent, they would be worried and wondering how they are going to pay utility bills. Well, the COIVD-19 pandemic has impacted rental prices and pushed New Yorkers into such a situation. With millions of unemployed, renters are scratching their heads and wondering whether they will be able to pay the rent.

If you are facing the same circumstances, you have come to the right place. Lose your belt, be relaxed and give this guide a few minutes, and we hope that in the next 10-15 minutes you will have a handful of options to cope with the crisis.

Calculating Rent – If You Can Afford

How much rent you can afford or can you afford rent in these crises? That question is hitting high among New York tenants. The rule of thumb is dividing your annual salary by 40 and you would get the figure for your rent. For example, if you are earning $60,000 annually, then you can afford to spend $1,500 on housing costs.

Calculating Rent

Or if you want to calculate for short-term earnings, spend 30% of your pay for rent. This rule will leave you with enough cash for other expenses like utilities, food, and transportation. If you don’t want to wrestle with the figures, you can simply use the rent affordability calculator.

If You Can’t Afford to Pay Rent

Put your mind at ease if you are unable to pay the lease. With many government programs in operation, US Federal Government and landlords are doing their best to protect renters. But first thing first, communicates with your landlord and see if he/she can tolerate – many are doing – during the crisis.

Else, you can seek help from these rental assistance programs:

Stimulus Checks

Last time when US taxpayers availed their Stimulus Checks was during the financial crisis of 2008. If you are a filed taxpayer in the United States, you are eligible for these checks. The amount received with these checks depends on your income – those with higher earnings get the least deposits and vice versa. And families with children get an additional $500/child in the stimulus.

You can learn more about your stimulus payment here.

Food Stamps Programs

With many adult meal sites closed, millions of New Yorkers are struggling against hunger. Those craving meals can afford a smile on their face as many food stamps are providing free meals to the COVID-19 victims.

You can visit these programs to find help with food:

HEAP – The Home Energy Assistance Program

As the name suggests, HEAP allows you to pay your energy bills. Low-income New Yorkers can seek HEAP help and waive off the cost of heating their homes. You can learn more about HEAP eligibility, benefits, and how to apply here.

Bill Payment

Moreover, there are many other assistance programs that are working for the welfare of New Yorkers during the pandemic. If you are seeking help regarding employment, health, renting, finance, and food, the below resources may help:

Will I Get Dispossessed if I Can’t Pay Rent?

Renters who are not able to pay their rents because of the economic crisis are not evicted. But renters must pay their full rent when the city’s emergency expires. So all the tenants still owe rent and are required to pay when normal service resumes in the city.

What if My Owner Tries to Evict Me?

In states like Los Angeles, renters can contact housing agencies in case they are evicted by the landlords. Many Federal government programs are working to protect tenants during the crisis but again, as discussed before, the pending rent is due once the emergency perishes.

Owner tries to evict me

States Halting Evictions

Many US states have halted evictions to protect tenants during the emergency. Below is the list of States with eviction dates.

State Relaxation in Eviction
Washington June 4, 2020
California May 31, 2020
Arizona July 22, 2020
Texas April 19, 2020
Kansas May 1, 2020
Louisiana Eviction halted until no end date
South Carolina Eviction halted until no end date
North Carolina April 13, 2020
Maryland Eviction halted until the end of the emergency
New Jersey May 18, 2020
New York June 24, 2020
Pennsylvania April 3, 2020
Maine May 1, 2020
Wisconsin May 26, 2020
Hawaii April 30, 2020
Tennessee Eviction halted until no end date
Kentucky Eviction halted until no end date
Michigan April 17, 2020

Final Verdict

Even in these crises, having a roof to cover your head is a basic human necessity but the COVID-19 has put the landlords and tenants in a complicated situation. People’s financial security has become uncertain and more numbers are living under a roof permitted under their lease.

As we all know New York rental market is very expensive but a mere helping hand can save a thousand’s life. US Landlords as well US Government are doing their best to protect renters either by waiving off the payments or by paying for their bills.

If you are still making enough bucks, congratulations, you are doing better than many New Yorkers. However, if your company has expelled you, the above-mentioned assistance programs may help you. Lastly, no one has ever become poor by giving, so help those who really deserve and the act of giving will surely transform you.

Read Also: FAQs Before Renting Apartment In NYC During Covid-19